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Our articles, videos, and other resources for Blockchain, AI, ML and FinTech enthusiasts - Page: 8

Callback Functions in JavaScript
Jan 31, 2022
This article aims to provide an introduction to callback functions for the beginners in JavaScript.

Create API Documentation with Insomnia Documenter
Jan 29, 2022
The information includes endpoints, request structure, response structure etc. One of the most commonly used way of API documentation is by using Swagger.

Deploy to AWS EC2 using GitHub Actions
Jan 22, 2022
This article helps you understand how you can automatically deploy your code to AWS EC2 from GitHub

What is Redux store? An explanation for beginners
Jan 11, 2022
A store is a state container which holds the applications state.

Single Page vs Multi-Page Application – What are The Main Differences?
Jan 9, 2022
A single-page application is a more modern approach to app development.

How to load and use Google Fonts in Next.js 12 + Tailwind 3
Dec 28, 2021
How to Add a Custom Google Font to a Next.js and Tailwind CSS App

Solidity smart contract Static Code Analysis and common tools
Dec 16, 2021
Static solidity smart contract code analysis is a method of debugging by examining source code before a program is run.

Fe - Ethereum smart contract language
Dec 14, 2021
Fe is an evolving smart contract language that strives to make EVM development safer, simpler and more fun.

Redux Persist With Next.js
Sep 26, 2021
Redux is a popular state management library to use with React or Next.js app. It provides a single store to store all of the application data.
Lightrains Blog
We love to share and contribute. Below, you'll find our articles, videos, and other resources for Blockchain, AI, FinTech developers and tech enthusiasts