Lightrains Blog
Our articles, videos, and other resources for Blockchain, AI, ML and FinTech enthusiasts - Page: 6

Must know Illustration Resources For Your Next Web Project
Jun 1, 2022
A collection of websites where you can find illustration that can be used on web projects and anywhere else

Metaverse, NFT and Blockchain in Sports
May 17, 2022
In every instance we’ve seen blockchain technology getting merged with various industries, however, in recent times, sports industries have started to integrate blockchain into their field as well.

What are Non-Fungible Tokens?
May 3, 2022
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are blockchain assets that are unique and can be owned in a digital space.

Node.js best practices for beginners and intermediate developers
May 2, 2022
Nodejs best practices for beginners and intermediate developers to ensure adaptability and maintainability

ERC721A an Improved ERC721 Implementation
Apr 28, 2022
ERC721A is an improved implementation of the IERC721 standard that supports minting multiple tokens for close to the cost of one.

Axios Interceptors with React
Apr 27, 2022
Interceptors are methods which are triggered before or after the main method

Future of Cryptocurrency Payments
Apr 22, 2022
Some businesses are claiming that businesses might turn entirely cashless in the time about to come, some sites predict neutrality, or some completely the opposite.

All about NFT Marketplace Development; your NFT Handbook
Apr 6, 2022
We will be talking more about NFTs in the present and future as well. In the crypto-sphere, it is the latest drift that is taking place

An introduction to web3 for beginners
Apr 5, 2022
Web3 is an identity layer for the internet. Web3 is a reaction to social networks not keeping our data secure and selling it for their profit
Lightrains Blog
We love to share and contribute. Below, you'll find our articles, videos, and other resources for Blockchain, AI, FinTech developers and tech enthusiasts