In this blog, we will discuss some strategies of new ES6 syntax for write less and do more.
Boolean Casting
Recommended method according to airbnb’s style guide.
❌ Old Way:
const age = boolean(input.value)
✅ New Way
const age = !!input.value
Optional Chaining
Reading deeply nested property without the hassle of checking each time of its validity.
❌ Old Way:
let isValid = user => user && user.address && user.address.zipcode
✅ New Way:
let isValid = address => user?.address?.zipcode
Nullish Coalescsing
Return the right-hand when the left-hand operand is null or undefined.
❌ Old Way:
const temp = getProductById(1)
const product = temp !== null && temp !== undefined ? temp : unknown
✅ New Way:
const product = getProductById(1) ?? unknown
Default Params
Intuitive and straight forward default values for function parameter.
❌ Old Way:
const createUser = (name, email ) => {
const user ={
name: name ?? ‘Unknown’,
✅ New Way:
const createUser = (name = ‘Unknown’, email) => {
const user = { email, name }
Spread Operator
Merge two object into one using this cool syntax.
❌ Old Way:
const details = { name: ‘Man utd’ }
const stats = { games: 7, points: 21 }
const team = Object.assign(
✅ New Way:
const details = { name: ‘Man utd' }
const stats = { games: 7, points: 21 }
const team = {
Destructuring Object
Write less code by unpacking properties from object into distinct variables.
❌ Old Way:
var obj = { a: 1 }
var a = obj.a
var b = obj.b === undefined ? 2 : obj.b
✅ New Way:
var obj = { a: 1 }
var { a, b = 2 } = obj
String Interpolation (Template Literals)
Template literals are literals delimited with backtick (`) characters, allowing for multi-line strings, for string interpolation with embedded expressions, and for special constructs called tagged templates
❌ Old Way:
let dispatchMessage = ‘Hurray, your order with order id ’ + orderId +
‘has been dispatched successfully’
✅ New Way:
let dispatchMessage = `Hurray, your order with order id ${orderId} has been dispatched successfully`
This article originally appeared on lightrains.com
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