This is a collection of common useful scripts that are handy when you do any kind of developemt on the Ethereum Virtual Machine aka EVM.
This collection of scripts are availabe in github niksmac/ethereum-scripts
1. Print Block Details
This function is useful when you want to print the details of a block in the console
function printBlock(block) {
console.log("Block number : " + block.number + "\n"
+ " hash : " + block.hash + "\n"
+ " parentHash : " + block.parentHash + "\n"
+ " nonce : " + block.nonce + "\n"
+ " sha3Uncles : " + block.sha3Uncles + "\n"
+ " logsBloom : " + block.logsBloom + "\n"
+ " transactionsRoot: " + block.transactionsRoot + "\n"
+ " stateRoot : " + block.stateRoot + "\n"
+ " miner : " + block.miner + "\n"
+ " difficulty : " + block.difficulty + "\n"
+ " totalDifficulty : " + block.totalDifficulty + "\n"
+ " extraData : " + block.extraData + "\n"
+ " size : " + block.size + "\n"
+ " gasLimit : " + block.gasLimit + "\n"
+ " gasUsed : " + block.gasUsed + "\n"
+ " timestamp : " + block.timestamp + "\n"
+ " transactions : " + block.transactions + "\n"
+ " uncles : " + block.uncles);
if (block.transactions != null) {
console.log("--- transactions ---");
block.transactions.forEach( function(e) {
2. Check all Balances
Can be used to check balances of all accounts inside your keystore; ie, you own both the keys.
function checkAllBalances() {
var i = 0
eth.accounts.forEach(function (e) {
' eth.accounts[' +
i +
']: ' +
e +
' \tbalance: ' +
web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(e), 'ether') +
' ether'
3. Get Account Balances And Including TheDAO Tokens
function padTokens(s, n) {
var o = s.toPrecision(n);
while (o.length < n) {
o = " " + o;
return o;
function padEthers(s) {
var o = s.toFixed(18);
while (o.length < 27) {
o = " " + o;
return o;
function checkAllBalances() {
var theDAOABI = [ { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "5e+22" } ], "name": "minTokensToCreate", "inputs": [], "constant": true }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "2.668900014413644230605979e+24" } ], "name": "totalSupply", "inputs": [], "constant": true }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "", "value": "1464426000" } ], "name": "closingTime", "inputs": [], "constant": true }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [], "name": "refund", "inputs": [], "constant": false }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "value": "0xda4a4626d3e16e094de3225a751aab7128e96526" } ], "name": "curator", "inputs": [], "constant": true }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "balance", "value": "0" } ], "name": "balanceOf", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_owner" } ], "constant": true }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_numberOfProposals", "value": "0" } ], "name": "numberOfProposals", "inputs": [], "constant": true }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "", "value": "0x807640a13483f8ac783c557fcdf27be11ea4ac7a" } ], "name": "extraBalance", "inputs": [], "constant": true }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "", "value": true } ], "name": "isFueled", "inputs": [], "constant": true }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "bool", "name": "success" } ], "name": "createTokenProxy", "inputs": [ { "type": "address", "name": "_tokenHolder" } ], "constant": false }, { "type": "function", "outputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_voteID" } ], "name": "vote", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "_proposalID" }, { "type": "bool", "name": "_supportsProposal" } ], "constant": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "FuelingToDate", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "value", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "ProposalAdded", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "proposalID", "indexed": true }, { "type": "address", "name": "recipient", "indexed": false }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "amount", "indexed": false }, { "type": "bool", "name": "newCurator", "indexed": false }, { "type": "string", "name": "description", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false }, { "type": "event", "name": "ProposalTallied", "inputs": [ { "type": "uint256", "name": "proposalID", "indexed": true }, { "type": "bool", "name": "result", "indexed": false }, { "type": "uint256", "name": "quorum", "indexed": false } ], "anonymous": false } ];
var theDAOAddress = "0xBB9bc244D798123fDe783fCc1C72d3Bb8C189413";
var theDAO = eth.contract(theDAOABI).at(theDAOAddress);
var theDAOTotal = 0;
var ethersTotal = 0;
console.log(" # Account TheDAO ethers");
console.log("------- ------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------------------------");
var i =0;
eth.accounts.forEach( function(e){
var tokens = theDAO.balanceOf(e) / parseFloat(1e16);
theDAOTotal += parseFloat(tokens);
var ethers = web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(e), "ether");
ethersTotal += parseFloat(ethers);
console.log(" " + i + "\t" + e + " " + padTokens(tokens, 10) + " " + padEthers(ethers));
console.log("------- ------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------------------------");
console.log(" " + i + " " + padTokens(theDAOTotal, 10) + " " + padEthers(ethersTotal));
4. Find all tokens
Useful when you want all custom tokens in your blockchain, you ever traded achieved etc.
var tokenInterface = [{"type": "function","name": "name","constant": true,"inputs": [],"outputs": [{"name": "","type": "string"}]},{"type": "function","name": "decimals","constant": true,"inputs": [],"outputs": [{"name": "","type": "uint8"}]},{"type": "function","name": "balanceOf","constant": true,"inputs": [{"name": "","type": "address"}],"outputs": [{"name": "","type": "uint256"}]},{"type": "function","name": "symbol","constant": true,"inputs": [],"outputs": [{"name": "","type": "string"}]},{"type": "function","name": "transfer","constant": false,"inputs": [{"name": "_to","type": "address"},{"name": "_value","type": "uint256"}],"outputs": []},{"type": "constructor","inputs": [{"name": "_supply","type": "uint256"},{"name": "_name","type": "string"},{"name": "_decimals","type": "uint8"},{"name": "_symbol","type": "string"}]},{"name": "Transfer","type": "event","anonymous": false,"inputs": [{"indexed": true,"name": "from","type": "address"},{"indexed": true,"name": "to","type": "address"},{"indexed": false,"name": "value","type": "uint256"}]}];
TokenContract = web3.eth.contract(tokenInterface);
var lowestBlock = 474147; //November 3, 2015 - last time the ABI above was changed
var highestBlock = eth.getBlock("latest").number;
//var lowestBlock = 483325; //smaller test case with just one coin (MistCoin)
//var highestBlock = 484731; //smaller test case with just one coin (MistCoin)
for (var x=lowestBlock; x < highestBlock; x++) {
var transactions = eth.getBlock(x).transactions;
for (var y=0; y < transactions.length; y++) {
// if (x % 100 == 0) { console.log("."); }
var contractAddr = eth.getTransactionReceipt(transactions[y]).contractAddress;
if (contractAddr != null) {
var tokenInstance = TokenContract.at(contractAddr);
var symbol = "";
var decimals = "";
var name = "";
try {
symbol = tokenInstance.symbol();
} catch(err) {
try {
decimals = tokenInstance.decimals();
} catch(err) {
//don't do anything here, just catch the error so program doesn't die
try {
name = tokenInstance.name();
} catch(err) {
//don't do anything here, just catch the error so program doesn't die
if (symbol != null && symbol != "" && name != null && name != "") {
console.log("Contract Address: " + contractAddr);
console.log("Name: " + name);
console.log("Symbol: " + symbol);
console.log("Decimals: " + decimals);
// console.log(contractAddr); //testing
// console.log(eth.getBlock(x).transactions); //testing
5. Find all non-zero transactions in a Block
Find Non-Zero Transaction Count In A Range Of Blocks
function checkTransactionCount(startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber) {
console.log("Searching for non-zero transaction counts between blocks " + startBlockNumber + " and " + endBlockNumber);
for (var i = startBlockNumber; i <= endBlockNumber; i++) {
var block = eth.getBlock(i);
if (block != null) {
if (block.transactions != null && block.transactions.length != 0) {
console.log("Block #" + i + " has " + block.transactions.length + " transactions")
6. Get mined blocks
Get all the blocks mined by a specific address.
function getMinedBlocks(miner, startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber) {
if (endBlockNumber == null) {
endBlockNumber = eth.blockNumber;
console.log("Using endBlockNumber: " + endBlockNumber);
if (startBlockNumber == null) {
startBlockNumber = endBlockNumber - 10000;
console.log("Using startBlockNumber: " + startBlockNumber);
console.log("Searching for miner \"" + miner + "\" within blocks " + startBlockNumber + " and " + endBlockNumber + "\"");
for (var i = startBlockNumber; i <= endBlockNumber; i++) {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {
console.log("Searching block " + i);
var block = eth.getBlock(i);
if (block != null) {
if (block.miner == miner || miner == "*") {
console.log("Found block " + block.number);
if (block.uncles != null) {
for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
var uncle = eth.getUncle(i, j);
if (uncle != null) {
if (uncle.miner == miner || miner == "*") {
console.log("Found uncle " + block.number + " uncle " + j);
printUncle(block, j, uncle);
This article originally appeared on lightrains.com
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