What is a NFT
Most simply, an NFT is an entry on a blockchain, the same decentralized digital ledger technology that underlies cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. But unlike most bitcoin–which is fungible, meaning that one coin is essentially indistinguishable from another and equivalent in value–tokens on these blockchains are non-fungible.
A Marketplace is similar to eBay where you can list, sell and auction for a particular NFT. There are Various NFT Standards based on the choice of Blockchain.
NFT Art Marketplace Development
NFT Art Marketplace Development is the process of digitalizing arts into tokens to carry out an effective trade at the NFT Marketplace. After the developing process of creating an Art based NFT, we build a robust NFT Marketplace platform for the converted digital collectibles for listing. We are responsible for assigning values to the matching values in tokens from a different chain of networks.
NFT Marketplace Development like OpenSea
OpenSea like NFT Marketplace can be developed to carry out the buy, bid, and sell off Digital assets, by building the OpenSea Clone NFT Marketplace. The OpenSea Clone can be developed in two available modes that include building the platform from scratch, the second mode is by availing the Platform with customization on a White Label basis through the OpenSea Clone Script.
NFT Marketplace Development like NBA Top Shot
NBA Top Shot like NFT Marketplace can be developed to carry out the buy, bid, and sell off Digital assets, by building the NBA Shots Clone NFT Marketplace. The NBA Shots Clone can be developed in two available modes that include building the platform from scratch, the second mode is by availing the Platform with customization on a White Label basis through the NBA Shots Clone Script.
NFT Marketplace Development Pricing
We offer multiple customization at various price points by adding or removing certain components with respect to the nature of business you are planning to do. Our basic platform comes at a very affordable price. Talk to us to get a customized pricing just for you.
White Label NFT MarketPlace on EVM
Ethereum network has always had a very intimate relationship with the NFT Marketplace, being the first network to offer separate provisions for showcasing digital assets and their uniqueness through its ERC721 Tokens. The White Label NFT Marketplace allows the BSC based NFT Marketplace to showcase and display a wide range of collectibles along with customization promoting the ready inclusion of various attributes and additions to the interface of the platform.
This article originally appeared on lightrains.com
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