Pay and Get Paid: Wherever,Whenever Remune makes it simple to send and receive payment while interacting with others on any website or app.
The emergence of several key technologies has created big opportunities when it comes to simplifying and speeding up the transfer of money – after all, why should it be simple? That’s why Remune was born – out of desire to make it simple to pay and get paid online.
Our vision for Remune is simple – payments between people should be easy, stress-free, and cheap for all parties involved, with no technical challenges. The technology and knowledge to do this exists, so now, it’s time for us to make us of it.
- Cross border payments
- Remune Chatbots
- Zoom
- Telegram
- Slack
- Wordpress
- Creator Profiles
- Stellar Wallet
- Hot/Cold wallet support
- Referral Programs